At Tiaget. , we strive to ensure that all orders are processed and shipped accurately based on the information provided by our customers during checkout. To maintain a smooth and efficient process, we ask all customers to carefully review their shipping details before finalizing their purchase.
Please note the following regarding shipping addresses:
Customer Responsibility: It is the customer’s responsibility to enter the correct shipping address at the time of checkout. Please double-check your address before submitting your order to avoid any delivery issues.
No Refunds for Incorrect Addresses: If an order is shipped to an incorrect address due to customer error during the checkout process, we cannot offer a refund for the order. Once your order has been processed and shipped, it is considered fulfilled on our end.
Lost or Undeliverable Packages: If the package is returned to us due to an incorrect address, we will notify you. At that point, the customer will be responsible for any additional shipping fees to resend the package to the correct address.
Order Adjustments: If you notice an error in your shipping address after placing your order, please contact us immediately. While we will do our best to accommodate changes, once the order has been processed and shipped, no further changes can be made.
Our Commitment:
We commit to fulfilling and shipping all orders based on the information provided at the time of purchase. Our goal is to provide a positive shopping experience, and we are happy to assist with any questions or concerns regarding your order.